


A-1A Catechism for the Harmonium - J Hiles 1877クリック
A-2A Companion to the Sunday school organ - 1871クリック
A-3A comprehensive dictionary of organ stops English and foreign, ancient and modern, practical, theoretical, historical, ...- J Wedgwood 1909クリック
A-4A history of Hull organs and organists - G. H. Smith 1910クリック
A-5A primer of organ registration - G. B. Nevin c1920クリック
A-6An elementary treatise on musical intervals and temperament, with an account of an enharmonic harmonium exhibited - R Bosanquet 1876クリック
A-7An explanation of the organ stops with hints for effective combinations - C. Locher 1888クリック
A-8An outline of the structure of the pipe organ - ... general information of organists, church committees, and musical students - W. H. Clarke 1877クリック
A-9Aus Spaniens altem Orgelbau - A Merklin 1939 [German]クリック
A-10America's contribution to the development of the organ - B. Stipp 1915クリッ
B-1Beatty's Beethoven organs - D. F. Beatty 1882クリック
B-2Biographies of celebrated organists of America - W. H. Benjamin 1908クリック
C-1C. Franklin Legge Organ Company Limited - builders of high-grade electro-pneumatic pipe organs 19--クリック
C-2Cathedral organists past and present - J. E. West 1921クリック
C-3Chicago Cottage Organ Company 1890不可
C-4Church organs. Their position and construction - F Sutton 1872クリック
C-5Clarke's New Method for reed organs, a comprehensive system of instruction - W Clarke 1869不可
C-6Compositions for the organ - G Whiting 1906クリック
C-7Crane's pianos and organs - Crane & Sons c.1910クリック
C-8Cabinet organs - Mason & Hamlin Co. 1863クリック
D-1Descriptive price list of improved cabinet and combination organs - Simmons & Clough Organ Co. c.1873クリック
D-2Deutsche und Französische Orgelbaukunst und Orgelkunst - A Schweitzer 1906 [German]クリック
D-3Dictionary of organs and organists - F. W. Thornsby 1912クリック
D-4Die Kunst des Orgelbaues, theoretisch und praktisch - J. S. Halle 1779 [German]クリック
D-5Die Orgel, ihre Geschichte und ihr Bau - O Wangemann 1895クリック
E-1English organ-cases - A. Freeman 1921クリック
F-1First lessons in extemporizing on the organ - H. C. MacDougall 1922クリック
F-2First Six Months on the Organ - G Whiting 1871クリック
F-3First Studies for the Organ, Book 2 - G Whiting 1879クリック
F-4Forty-four studies for the organ; with especial regard to obbligato pedal playing - J Schneider 1909クリック
H-1Harmonium-album. Sammlung beliebter Tonstücke für Harmonium - E Stapf 1800 [reed Organ Music - German]クリック
H-2Hints on organ accompaniment - C. Demarest 1910クリック
I-1Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of grand and upright piano actions, keys and hammers, organ keys, reeds and reed boards, and supplies - otto Higel Co. 1906クリック
I-2Illustrated catalogue - Sterling Organ Co. 1881クリック
I-3Illustrated catalogue and price list of parlor and chapel organs - The A B Chase Co. c.1895クリック
I-4Illustrated catalogue of cottage organs - J. Estey & Co. 1875不可
I-5llustrated catalogue of the Packard Orchestral Organs - Fort Wayne Organ Co. 1884クリック
I-6Illustrated catalogue of the various styles of the Standard organ - Peloubet, Pelton & Co. 1877クリック
I-7Illustrated descriptive list of the Geo. Woods & Co.'s parlor organs - Geo. Woods & Co. 189-クリック
I-8Illustrations in choir accompaniment with hints in registration - ... organ students, organists, and those interested in church music - D. Buck 1888クリック
I-9Internationales Regulativ für Orgelbau - 1909 [German]クリック
L-1Lecture on the pedal organ - its history, design and control - T. Casson 1911クリック
M-1Mason's first book for the melodeon 1862クリック
M-2Master-studies for the organ - a set of studies for acquiring individuality of style, and independence of movement between the hands and feet - W. C. Carl 1907クリック
M-3Method for pipe organ Vol. 2 - C. Eddy 1917クリック
M-4Model organ method - a book of graded instruction for the reed or cabinet organ - G. F. Root 1873クリック
M-5Modern organ accompaniment - A Richardson 1907クリック
M-6Modern organ tuning - the how and why - H. Smith 19--クリック
N-1New catalogue, new prices and improvements for November, 1876, of the B. Shoninger Organ Co. 1876クリック
N-2Notes on church organs, their position and the materials used in their construction - C. Bishop 1873クリック
O-1On the Influence of Temperature on the Musical Pitch of Harmonium Reeds - A Ellis 1880 [3-page Article]クリック
O-2Organ Accompaniment and Extempore Playing - G Whiting 1887クリック
O-3Organ building for amateurs. A practical guide for home-workers - M Wicks 1900クリック
O-4Organ construction - J. W. Hinton 1900クリック
O-5Organ playing. Its technique and expression - A Hull c.1911クリック
O-6Organ registration - a comprehensive treatise - E. E. Truette 1919不可
O-7Organ school - J. Lemmens 1862クリック
O-8Organs - Weaver Organ & Piano Company c.1900クリック
O-9Organs and organ building.. history and construction of the organ, ... origin to the present day, with important specifications - C Edwards 1881クリック
O-10Organ-stops and their artistic registration - names, forms, construction, tonalities, and offices in scientific combination - G. A. Audsley 1921クリック
P-1Peters' reed organ school - W Peters 1857クリック
P-2Practical and Theoretical Organ School - F Schneider 183_クリック
P-3Practical organ-building - W. E. Dickson 1882クリック
P-4Pulpits, lecterns, and organs in English churches - J. C. Cox 1915クリック
R-1Reform in organ building - T. Casson 1888クリック
R-2Report of the trial of the King versus Hurdy Gurdy. Alias Barrel Organ, alias Grinder, alias the Seditious Organ - 1794クリック
R-3Rinck's Practical Organ School - C Rinckクリック
S-1Selected list from the catalogue of the Smith American Organ Co. 1881クリック
S-2Short Pieces for Harmonium - C Franckクリック
S-3Standard organ building - W. H. Clarke 1913クリック
T-1The Abigail ... [Organ of the Abigail free school and kindergarten] - Charles Devare 1898クリック
T-2The art of pedaling for the organ - H. Pfitzner 1910クリック
T-3The box of whistles - an illustrated book on organ cases with notes on organs at home and abroad - J. Norbury 1877クリック
T-4The Canadian Sunday school organ - S Rose 1871lクリック
T-5The complete melodeon instructor, ... instruction book for the melodeon, seraphine, eolican, melopean, organ, or any similar - J. Zundel 1853クリック
T-6The contemporary American organ, its evolution, design and construction - W Barnes 1952不可
T-7The early English organ builders and their works, from the15th century to the period of the great rebellion - E. Rimbault 191-不可
T-8The harmonium - K Hall 1880不可
T-9The influence of the organ in history - D. Buck 1900不可
T-10The Matchless Burdett organ - Burdett Organ Company, Ltd 1876クリック
T-11The modern organ - with illustrations, drawings, specifications - E. M. Skinner 1917クリック
T-12The Newberry Memorial Organ at Yale University - a study in the history of American organ building - E. W. Flint 1930不可
T-13The organ - J. Stainer 1909クリック
T-14The organ - writings and other utterances on its structure, history, procural, capabilities, etc. - J. W. Warman 1898クリック
T-15The organ accompaniment of the church services - a practical guide for the student - H. W. Richards 1911クリック
T-16The organ and its construction. A systematic handbook for organists, organ builders - J Seidel 1852クリック
T-17The organ and its masters - H. C. Lahee 1902クリック
T-18The organ fifty years hence ; a study of its development in the light of its past history and present tendencies - F. Burgess 1908クリック
T-19The organ in France - a study of its mechanical construction, tonal characteristics, and literature - W. Goodrich 1917クリック
T-20The organ of the 20th century; ... organ tonal appointment and divisional apportionment with compound expression - G Audsley 1919クリック
T-21The Organ of the Ancients from Eastern Sources - H Farmer 1931クリック
T-22The organ, its history and construction - a comprehensive treatise on the structure and capabilities of the organ - E Hopkins 1855クリック
T-23The organ. Its compass, tablature, and short and incomplete octaves - J Warman 1884クリック
T-24The organists & composers of St. Paul's Cathedral - J. S. Bumpus 1891lクリック
T-25The organist's directory to the accompaniment of divine service - with a full list of voluntaries appropriate to every Sunday and holy day in the Christian year - C Pearce 1890クリック
T-25The Recent revolution in organ building - being an account of modern developments - G. L. Miller 1913不可
T-26The kinner organ - Ernest M. Skinner & Co. 1922クリック
T-27The story of organ music - C Williams 1905クリック
T-28The story of the organ - C. F. Williams 1903不可
T-29The technique and art of organ playing - C. Dickinsonクリック
T-30Twentieth century catalogue - Cornish Co. 1900クリック

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